Dr. Jennifer Saint Louis serves as the Associate Vice President for Strategic Partnerships & Innovation at Broward College. In this role, she provides leadership for community-wide relationships aligning with the college’s Social Enterprise Plan. Providing operational oversight for municipal, agency, and employer partnerships, using a data-driven approach, her division expands and strengthens county-wide collaboration following the Broward UP (Unlimited Potential) expanded service model. Broward UP leverages resources and networks to improve economic mobility in Broward County through post-secondary education. Jennifer also oversees the college’s Employment Solutions department and the Broward College Entrepreneurship Experience (BCEx), which position innovation and job placement at the forefront of Broward College operations. Dr. Louis has been with the college for 13 years and holds a bachelor’s degree in communication from Florida State University, a master’s degree in higher education administration from Florida International University, and a PhD in communication from Regent University. Her research interests examine communication through the lens of social psychology and focus on influence and prosocial behavior change, diffusion of innovations, public communication campaigns, and corporate social responsibility.