
2024 Prestigious Women Awards Honoree: Kim Kent

Meet Kim Kent, Well-Being Coordinator at Team Horner Group

In Kim Kent’s business role, she created a well-being program for the 600-person company to enrich the lives of her teammates. The “Color Me Healthy “well-being program is very robust, with offerings for all aspects of wellness for the mind, body, and spirit. The success of the program is very much due to the fact that teammate volunteers choose what programs and services are offered and have the power to make the decisions. While Kent loves being able to nurture teammates with Color Me Healthy, she yearned to serve the elderly in the community. She was astounded to learn that 65% of seniors in centers do not get a single visit in a year. Kent had to get involved and became a volunteer for Heart2Heart Outreach of South Florida, visiting a nursing home weekly. The work Heart2Heart was doing captured Kent’s heart and soul, and she became more involved. She is now the president of the board of directors. Helping others in the community became Kent’s passion, so when asked to be on the board of StrikeForce421, a Christian women’s giving circle, she jumped in. Now, Kent is thrilled to help with the work of many kinds of local ministries. In April this year, she will retire from her job and can’t wait to spend even more time serving the community.