Lu Urdaneta has shaped MONAT Gratitude Foundation’s mission and goals since its inception, from the time it began in 2014 to become a fully realized nonprofit foundation. With almost $9 million in donations and over 100 community service initiatives to date, the Gratitude Foundation has an impressive positive impact in hundreds of underserved neighborhoods around the world.
Urdaneta played an integral part in creating and launching MONAT Global in 2014, where she serves as the Chief Culture Officer, promoting the family mission and the values of gratitude, kindness, equality, and giving throughout the company. Her efforts are focused on fostering an environment of growth, and a sense of community within MONAT and ensuring the brand legacy, voice, and feeling carries during expansion across international and local markets.
As MONAT Gratitude’s CEO, her practice of grateful leadership serves as an example of how gratitude can be applied to any aspect of life. The MONAT Gratitude Foundation was born out of a desire to build a company with heart, and she works every day to inspire more people to join the Gratitude movement.
This year has been a year of lessons and growth, I would say my biggest accomplishment is our MONAT GRATITUDE FOUNDATION Grants program. We have raised and granted over $600k towards educational programs by partnering with 40 organizations across the world.