Henry Torres started his first venture in seafood packaging and seafood distribution in 1975. He forged Empire Seafood into an industry powerhouse over the next 25 years, before selling the business in April 2, 2001. He then launched his passion for real estate development and shaped Miami’s emerging neighborhoods.
Fun fact: I have a passion for dancing and music and sharing good times with friends and family.
Favorite South Florida dining destination: Perry Steakhouse
What do you like to do on the weekends? Go to SW Eighth Street, Little Havana, find a club that has music, dance floor, and food. La Trova is our favorite place to go.
How do you unwind from a long day at work? Go home, share my day with my wife and she shares hers with me. We have dinner together. I enjoy my peace and quiet at home.
Favorite quote? Hard work always pays off.
From whom or what do you draw inspiration? I am self motivated. I get inspiration from my accomplishment. I always try to make my next development better than the last.
Biggest accomplishment of your career? Selling Empire Seafood was a real milestone. It took me the next level in my life.
Most challenging moment in your career and how did you overcome it? The financial crisis of 2008/2009. We seem to manage through it. We lost a lot of money, but I never lost my passion to be successful.
What advice would you give an up and coming professional? Work hard. Become the best at what you know and what you do, whatever that may be. Never give up. Quitters never achieve what they want in life.