Pamela M. Dalton is Vice President and Branch Manager of American National Bank, one of the few locally owned independent community banks in Broward County, serving South Florida since 1985. Dalton has been in banking for over 23 years, the past seven of which are with American National Bank. Dalton served as a Co-Chair for the 2023 Junior Achievement of South Florida UnCorked, the largest event hosted by JA, which generated the highest revenue in the history of the event. Dalton is involved with United Way of Broward County and is a member and prior Board Member of the Executives’ Association of Fort Lauderdale while also serving on the Economic Forecast Planning Committee. She is an alumnus of Women Leading Broward Class IV, Leadership Broward Class XXXVIII, along with being a prior facilitator for Women Leading Broward Class VI. Dalton continues to be involved with 4Kids of South Florida, Big Brothers Big Sisters Women on the Verge, Suites Stilettos and Lipstick Foundation (SSL), and the Riverwalk of Fort Lauderdale as a Trustee Member. Dalton is passionate about financial education, and she has worked with numerous schools, organizations, and nonprofits to not only teach financial literacy but also assist in writing a financial literacy program. Dalton also serves on American National Bank’s CRA committee.