A brand-new season of Unicorn Hunters, a streaming show that gives founders a global platform to pitch millions of investors worldwide, is gearing up and the advertising campaign to promote it will soon launch in Miami. The show aims to connect tech entrepreneurs with investors of all levels, allowing viewers to invest in the pre-IPO companies pitching their innovative enterprises. Similar to Shark Tank, Unicorn Hunters provides a platform for potential investors to engage with emerging companies.
Along with the new season of Unicorn Hunters, its sponsor, Unicoin, a cryptocurrency backed by real-world assets and a patron sponsor of the show, is preparing to make its mark in Miami. Over the past few months, geotargeted advertisements have been visible on over 2,000 taxis and buses across New York City. Unicoin, aiming to address the extreme volatility of the crypto market, has already exceeded a $3 billion pipeline of real estate deals to facilitate the launch of the coin. In contrast to its predecessors, the next-generation coin emphasizes transparency, corporate support from underlying assets and a commitment to regulatory compliance, presenting a notable departure from the volatility of traditional crypto.
The multi-channel advertising campaign (utilizing TV, online, print, and Out of Home channels) establishes a new standard for branding within the cryptocurrency industry. This strategic approach positions Unicoin as the inaugural cryptocurrency to implement such an extensive and prominent presence through an innovative campaign in the world’s most iconic city in anticipation of their ICO.