
5 Reasons You Should Be a Long-Term Investor

If you want to retire comfortably, this is your best investment strategy. Whether you’re a brand-new investor or a seasoned veteran of many years or decades, the stock market can

Online Courses from 2U

Dear Mr. Berko: I’ve been a member of an eight-person investment club for 11 years that meets once a month. We get into some spirited discussions and have a portfolio

Roth IRA or 401(k): Which Should You Choose?

These tax-advantaged plans battle it out for your investment dollars. Saving and investing for retirement is serious business. If you hold off on either, you could cripple your chances of

Yahoo and ETP

Dear Mr. Berko: I own 150 shares of Yahoo, and I also own 200 shares of Verizon, which is buying Yahoo for $4.8 billion. Please tell me what you think

12 Reasons to Hate Bank Stocks

Bank stocks are the worst. Here’s why It’s been a tough decade for bank stocks, leaving a lot of investors, including me, disappointed with the whole industry. As we approach

Why I Just Bought More Netflix Inc. Stock

The leading streaming service sold off after its recent earnings report, but the long-term story still looks promising. Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) shares plummeted earlier this week following disappointing subscriber growth in its

Bank of America Rebounding

Dear Mr. Berko: My stockbroker wants me to buy 200 shares of Bank of America for my individual retirement account and keep them for the long term. I read your

3 Summertime Money Lessons to Teach Your Kids

Just because school’s out doesn’t mean your kids can’t learn a thing or two. Summer is pretty much every child’s favorite time of the year. But while all kids deserve