
2021 Legal Awards Honoree: Manuel L. Dobrinsky

“The practice of law has provided me the opportunity to help individuals seek justice, often against long odds. When I first decided to become a lawyer, I did not understand

2021 Legal Awards Honoree: Peter S. Sachs

“As a child of survivors born in a refugee camp in Berlin, it was the goal of my parents to make sure I received a good education that had been

2021 Legal Awards Honoree: Howard Talenfeld

“In high school, I was a math-science nerd, so I wanted to become a physician. When I realized in my organic chemistry lab in college that I did not have

2021 Legal Awards Honoree: Fausto Sanchez

“I’ve always wanted to be a lawyer. Since I was a kid, I was always interested in the interpretation of rules. I didn’t necessarily like breaking the rules, but rather