While everyone is waiting for non-stop service to Asia from Miami International Airport, here’s a story that offers a bit of relief – in more ways that one. In conjunction
Is auditing firm responsible for missing a fraud?
According to the Florida Supreme Court and U.S. Supreme Court, auditing firms have a duty to serve as “watchdogs” to detect fraud and other irregularities that might lurk within the
Are You on a Dysfunctional Board?
Think about your last nonprofit board meeting. When you left, were you satisfied with what was accomplished? Did attending seem like a worthwhile investment of your time? Did you feel
Miami Beach Startup Kickstarts into IoT
Matrix Labs, an early-growth company from Miami Beach, is jumping into the world of the internet of things in a big way. Its sister company, AdMobilize, is already making money
Critical Wealth Leadership Role Transitions
In the wealth management field, there’s considerable focus on preparing the next generation for a transition of wealth, but spouses are likely to experience a transition first. Discussion of the
Life Insurance Offers the Liquidity You Need to Protect Your Heirs from Estate Taxes
Here at Howard Kaye, we’ve walked our clients through all kinds of estate planning scenarios. Recently, we helped a new retiree establish a series of trusts and start the process
3 Ways Hillary Clinton’s Proposals Could Directly Impact the Stock Market
Clinton plans to tackle three controversial issues if elected, and it could have a notable impact on your wallet. Believe it or not folks, we’re nearing the home stretch. After
Meet the Uber of the package delivery service
Uber uses technology to disrupt the taxi business and Airbnb is using it to disrupt the hotel field. Now, Austin-based Dropoff has arrived in Miami and Fort Lauderdale with technology to
Coming Ashore
Leading Brazilian hotelier and restaurateur is making the revitalized Shore Club his first U.S. project Rogerio Fasano is promising something a bit different from the typical South Beach hotel at
Ready to Swing
Marlins President David Samson isn’t afraid to say what’s on his mind David Samson has a philosophy that people with informed opinions should speak their minds—which resulted in one of