Ivan the Impressive

It was quite a surprise to Preemo and TechBar founder Ivan Mladenovic when he became one of three company owners selected from more than 8,000 applicants to receive advice from

River of Opportunity

Jay Massirman is leveraging three decades of real estate experience by entering the property insurance and storage facility fields.  The moves are the latest big steps for Massirman, who eight

Giving Back

SFBW presented a twist on its CEO Connect series by having one top Miami-area leader interview another one. Asking the questions was Saif Y. Ishoof, Esq., Vice President & Executive Director

Co-working spaces boom in popularity

Co-working spaces seem to have all the things you liked most about working with others without any of the annoying drawbacks.  Co-working spaces, which include business incubators, are increasingly common

Profit or Peril

However, many attendees at the discussion, held in the Brickell offices of MBAF, expressed appreciation that discussion is emerging.  Since SFBW’s February cover story on business with Cuba (https://goo.gl/gEsaOH), a

Treasure Trove

The high-tech storage center known as RoboVault is embarking on a business strategy that mirrors the growing arts scene in South Florida. Jessica Ransom, the newly hired Business Development Manager

Disclosure Changes

Sarah Regensdorf has seen the future of consumer mortgage lending rules – and it includes less paper and more transparency. Regensdorf, a Realtor with Town Real Estate in Fort Lauderdale,

Innovate + Educate

Innovation Hub at Broward College launches  Created to host and support businesses of all industries, the Innovation Hub at Broward College is helping several startup companies as rent-paying tenants through

Like kind of a good deal

Paying capital gains taxes on investment or business real estate can be a financial hit, which is one reason 1031 exchanges have made a comeback. 1031 exchanges, also known as

hot spots: Chamber Letter

As one of the largest and most influential Chambers in South Florida, the Boca Chamber is always moving forward to support our mission to: Promote and Sustain Economic Prosperity in