Hollywood’s Tribeca Marketing Group ranks 20th on Inc 5000 list

Tribeca Marketing Group of Hollywood is the highest-ranked South Florida company on this year’s Inc 5000 list of fastest-growing companies.

Tribeca won based on its three-year growth of 8,395 percent. It had 2015 revenue of $8.6 million.

It was ranked No. 20 on the Inc 5000 Nationally, No. 1 nationally in the education category and No. 1 overall in Florida.

Tribeca helps schools and colleges with their marketing and branding needs, such as admissions.

Second in Florida was Blackstone Labs, a Boca Raton company that sells nutritional supplements. It ranked 27th with growth of 7,546 percent with revenue hitting $9.7 million.

No. 3 was Orangetheory Fitness, which ranked No. 60 with growth of 4,308 percent and revenue of $47 million. OrangeTheory was the subject of a SFBW cover story in May.

The South Florida company with the most revenue on the list was Murgado Automotive Group at No. 2,365. It had revenue of $360.3 million.

To see all the South Florida companies on the list go to the Inc 5000 website and click on advanced search. Select Miami in the sort by metro area menu.

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