4 Additional Things Every Company Needs to Do

Step Five:  Create a Social Media Plan

The world of business is changing and 2015 promises to bring more opportunity to those that are willing to take a leap onto the ever changing internet platforms available. Identify a person on your team that is social media savvy and assign them the task of taking an inventory of your organization’s social media presence. You may find that this person does not exist. If this is the case find someone who fits the bill and hire them as soon as possible. 

Once the person is identified task them with creating a social media presence for your organization befitting the company you want to be in 2016. Think ahead and then identify what you need to get you there. Social media allows you the luxury of reaching out across entire oceans with just a few key strokes. Stream video, post pictures, video chat– the possibilities are endless so make sure you make the most of this amazing tool!

Step Six:  Establish weekly and monthly goals.

The beginning of each quarter is a great time to communicate the goals and expectations for your organization. Clarify to the team exactly what needs to be accomplished and set weekly and monthly goals. This will ensure a way to monitor progress and will allow your team to function as stakeholders in the process. The creation of weekly goals will also allow leadership to evaluate progress leading up to quarterly reviews. Remember, this is a fluid process and the creation of weekly and monthly goals allows both leadership and support personnel the opportunity to revisit areas in need of additional resources early on in the process.

Step Seven:  Choose a date to review progress semi quarterly.

Put out a schedule of reviews for personnel on every level within your organization. Employees and clients alike appreciate a sense of structure as it provides a clear vision of expectation. The beginning of the year is the perfect time to introduce new initiatives and so why not introduce a process of goal assessment and realization that will allow your team to self-assess their progress towards goal realization? This process should also include the ability to request additional support from team members and allocation of additional resources if necessary.

Step Eight:  Redefine and reinforce the company culture.

Now is the time to re-focus your mission and vision and redefine it if necessary. It may be that you need to remind your team why your organization is special.  Invigorate and inspire them. Remember the team will always take its cues from its leaders!  

2015 promises to be an amazing year for South Florida business owners and 2016 is looking even brighter. Renewed focus and dedication will yield new and exciting opportunities for your company. Keep your business on track by providing transparency and accessibility throughout the year.

For more information on how to grow your business visit sfbwmag.com

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