Past Success & Big Ideas Now

If you think South Florida isn’t cutting edge when it comes to technology, think again. IBM invented the first widely adopted personal computer in Boca Raton 30 years ago and

Home automation done easy

Home automation can be a confusing subject for shoppers with complex systems often poorly displayed and explained. TigerDirect of Miami is changing that. The company’s Aventura store has been completely

History in the making

Q&A  How did your family get started in the automotive business? In 1945, when George Williamson, Sr., returned from WWII he bought into his father-in-law’s International Harvester/Cadillac Dealership in a

Gay marriage rulings create legal flux

Q&A We’ve had rulings against Florida’s same-sex marriage ban, but where are we overall? With the U.S. Supreme Court’s strike down of Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act

Not So Scary

Sometimes bad stories end up with happy endings. A major political scandal arose when Tamarac’s Sabal Palm golf course was being converted to residential development land. Father-and-son developers Bruce and

Estate planning: Old rules can bite

The so-called fiscal cliff legislation has changed the world of estate planning with its $5.34 million exclusion before the estate gift tax kicks in. Samuel A. Donaldson, a professor at

Hitting the Peak

If you missed the Apogee Awards, you missed one of the region’s top networking events. SFBW attracted a who’s who of C-level leaders to our Nov. 6 program at the